-At least how to jump, but that sounded better ^.^
I have 3 things to tell you
1st I'll go to Buenos Aires!!!!!!! Voy a Buenos Aires!!!!!
Para una semana. For one week. There is gonna be a conference of the YWam. But I'll tell you more when I come back.
2nd I started school -.- Empeze las clases -.-
This time I must study... and in fact I'm not that bored because I study... now i pretty much understand spanish... and i've friends at school. My subjects are something like this:
Animacion= "viihde" We do different proyects how to make people have fun (yep, it's interesting.. -.-)
Laboratorio ingles =Laboratory English.. I haven't find out yet what makes it different from normal English (more than that the teacher is not the same).. English here... So for example today we studied what is the difference between "I like apple pie" and "I'd like some apple pie"
Comercalisacion= Or something like that.. Until this we've been studying stuff about a company. Why do they make a ... things and so on.. (I like it ^^ altough i don't really undersand too much)
Interpretacion: It's something like "how to make people to be interested in an information" (i'd say that it's not my favourite subject...)
Proyecto: We (they) have one year time to make a "company" not a real one but one that they have to find out everything about producing things and so on (for example "la fabrica de las medias" = "the sock factory" they must find out how much it costs to make them..what machines they need to produce those.. how much they cost.. are there consumers for socks in that area.. are there other facorys...)
I bored... i'm not gonna explane you more just that other subjects are something like: Economia, derecho economical =economical rights, frances, and something that i don't remember... (and educacion fysica, you can guess what it is)
3 I started horse back riding/show jumping. Empeze equitacion = montar los caballos
I LOVE IT! My teacher is one of the best in the Argentina. He has like 60 students who have won national competitions. The place is not like traditional riding school (i'll put pics later) it's place where everyone knows everyone. And yeah i can ride 3 horses in one day.. (so for those who don't know i rode horses 6 years (once in the week 1 hour) in Finland.. but i left it almost 2 years ago)
I'm propably gonna compite (the teacher already said me that before i go i'll jump 1m in the competition... ) (it's the biggest i've never jumped ) let's see :) For example there is one guy who started 3 years ago and now jumps 120cm and wins ... And other girl started one year ago and jumps 100cm ... (3 monhts sounds pretty long time for me now.. )
I already fell twice (uups .. i started 2 weeks ago) and an other time (i was jumping) the horse almost step on me .. (he did, but nothing happend my arm and cheek are just a bit "blue".. but you can imagine the feeling laying there seeing the horse over you.. i already thought that i'm gonna see my God pretty soon^^ (he didn't want me to see him yet so i'm still here until he changes his mind))
But I'm so happy that i was able to start that, I love it! I'm gonna write a lot about it in the future don't worry