tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012


Hello guys... Now i'm just gonna write something random because I'm bored.. After one hour I'll go to center to drink mate with Lula (meian ois pitany menna puoltoist tuntii sitte, mutta eras sai paremman idean .. eli mennaanki vahan myohemmin umph...aikataulut on iha oma juttunsa taalla, pero te amooo Lulaa <3 ) 

It's kinda interesting see that there is really people who read my blog o.O I mean it says that my blog has been visited almost 3000 times o.O and people from all over the world. Finland (suprise), Argentina, USA, France, Russia, Holland, Germany, UK, Afganistan, taiwan, Israel, South Korea, Arab Emirates, Austria.... I'm famous ^.^ :D 

Meeh... que mas? Heyyy!! I can tell you about the music! La musica...It's different... Cumbia, cuarteto... 

And there is music all the time, everytime when i walk somewhere i hear music from the homes.. cars... phones... So, i'll put a few links for you.

Know the song? :D

And this "Nene malo" ( bad baby)
is really famous here... 

So, do i like this kinda music?? In fact i've no idea... it's just so different (: 

mm.. what else... Less than one month school left!!!! Partypartyypartyy Summer is coming!! Now... temperature is like... something between 20 and 30 grades (celsius) 

Or i have "clases" only 8 days.. because next week i'll make a trip with Coinded (the excange company or whatever) 10 days... And we'll go to the "end of the world" so we'll go to south.. :) I'm suuuper excited to go and see other guys from Finland... Sweden... Germany... New Zeland..and thousand other countries) And when i come back i have one week school and we just have fun there (i guess??) oh, yesterday i had math test at school, it was interesting, and i almost understood what they wanted me to do ...

Now the life is fine here... my Spanish is getting better.. my little sister just arrived from their English lesson (i didn't have school today, don't ask me why) my other sis is preparing mate, dog is crying because the door of the bathroom is closed, because host mom is taking the shower and my brothers are watching the tv. I'm getting bored ¡, because i've no idea, what i should write here. (My English grammar is getting so bad -.- looking for the next year.. English courses and... umh.... especially Swedish courses. I don't remember anything... Hej, jag heter...)jaja

Mitas muuta (meian koira pissas tanaa aamulla mun kannykan paalle <3) So, i've been here almost 4 moths more than one thrid is over. Maybe i expected something more... dunno "Woow" i mean i'm having a good time, but it's still just life :) 

Oh, now you want me to put some pic here. Let's see if i can find some... :)

Me and my city :)

sunnuntai 4. marraskuuta 2012

Bueno che!

So now I'm gonna tell you about the trip that we made with a group from school to Sierra de la Ventana. (Ikkunan vuoristo o.O ihailen naitten mielikuvitusta nimeta paikkoja)

1º dia Domingo

On Sunday evening, okay night at 11 pm we (me, my sis Sol and my bro Juan Cruz) put our stuff to car and drived to the school, where was waiting a bus and 30 other guys ready to have a great week. (runollista) So, anyway we put our stuff to the bus... I had my dear green peace of luggage... (en toki ottanu suunnillee saman verran kamaa viideks paivaks, kun koko vuodeks...) And then we started 12-hour-trip to Sierra de la Ventana, to a small village in the province of Buenos Aires (if you don't know what is province, check out the last posting) I slept that night maybe... 4 hours? (thanks guys -.-) In fact i don't remember too much what we did in that night. 

2º dia Lunes

We arrived to the place about at 11 o`clock (am) and i was super tired (suprisesuprise) It was somekinda ''camp center'' no se, leirikeskus of the YMCA ( :) ) There was all the houses and stuff (pool <3) but our place was in the other side of the place. There was a big house to have the meals (i know how you pronunce that word, but i can't remember how you write it and i'm to lazy to go to google translater) and about 7 cottages with 8 beds. And yeah.. So, we arrived.. put our stuff to the cabañas (=cottage, i'm teaching you Spanish) and then we started to do activities .. (ainahan sita voi unelmoida et ois voinu nukkua hetken...) we were playing howdoyoucallit hide and seek? seek and hide? dunno, piilosta :D in the forest.. like the version where one guy "dessapears" and others try to find him, and when they find him they stay with the person and who is the last one who finds them loses :) 
Eating place

Oh, btw we were in the groups of.. about 7 guys and in the groups we did many games and stuff and we helped with cooking and cleaning... btw. the names of the groups where the names of ancient gods of Egypt... i was so happy -.-

What else? we did thousand other games and yeah... meh nothing so interesting

1º noche (1st night)

So, we went to the bed... but after a while a heard a weird voice. I didn't really pay attention but one of the girls was really afraid and she wanted to change her bed, because the voice had been close to her bed.. I didn't understand what was the thing so i just kept sleeping. Then i woke up when something was flying around the cabaña. All girls started to scream. A bat. Everybody (included the teacher) was really scared (i was a bit like... oookay? couldn't we just sleep, juu en ajattele mitaan muuta ku nukkumista) then we chose to change the cabaña and everyone runned to other cabaña, where was only 4 girls and teacher ... (there was only 8 beds.. and there was 8 of us from the other cabaña, so it was interesting night) 

Our friend
3º dia Martes

When we woke up we had to go back to our cabaña, because all our clothes and everything was there. (i never really got the idea... what was that scary in one bat??) Then some guys from the place spend like an hour trying to get 2 bats out of the cabaña... other one they got.. other... nope. But what a cute creature it was! Sleeping bat. Size of a small bird. But yeah.. after this we slept nights light turned on. 
Sol y Juan Cruz
Up there
Then we climbed to a mountain. First we went to one place.. we were late (suprise suprise) so we had to go to other place...But it was nice, they told us that it will take about 3 hours to get up there... i guess it took a bit less. Anyway.. it was suuuper hot and i looked like a tomato :D And everyone wasn't able to climb on the top.. they were so tired (i did!!!) and i had half of our lunch in my back bag (:

Then we had like 2 hours time in the center of the village, it was nice :) i bought "mate" the mug where you drink mate..

So later we went to a pool and did some more activities (i just wanted to sleep!!) and yeah.. i guess this was Thuesday pretty much.. oh, in the evening we had "karaoke" the groups got some song that they had to sing.. (i had never hearded the song that my group had) and it was kinda interesting, but when the teachers started to sing everybody just started to dance (including the teachers) yeah, it was fun :)

2º noche

zzzzzz..... (yay ma paasin nukkumaan!!)

4ºdia miercoles

And you think i remember something about that day.... hmm.. lets see..

So, we had a game where we had to make a small boat... from the stuff that you can find from the nature... and then... hmm.. we had to act one thing... (yeah i act in spanish.. i said maybe 2 phrases??) "Callate hija! NO! Adios!! (okay 3 phrases -.-) and then there was something suuuper weird because it was halloween.. nothing more to say than that my God won that thing ...

5º dia (el ultimo dia) jueves
Mel in Mc Donald's
So, about at 11am we left from the place.. i had had really good time.. (and i spoke spanish... a lot) so i was sad :,( and sleepy ^.^but anyway. First we went to a shopping mall in the middle of nowhere. And there was a Mc Donald's and everyone were so excited about eating there because there isn't any in P.Madryn. (whii makkariin -.-) i mean guys where talking about it 3 days and then they added photos to face " i ate in Mc Donald's " jaja :D great if you liked it. And then we were just going around the place... There was a few shops that were suuper cute and i'd have wanted to buy everything from there (and i didn't have any money with me  :,( byaaaaa) but i was having fun :) Melany, Lucila, Romina <3 "mami mami, quiero este, mami mami, por que no me compras este, mami mami... aargh callate!!) And i learned to say " Bueeeno che! Es lo que hay cheee! In Melany style :D Then we continued our viaje (=journey) in the bus we watched thousand movies.. project x, saapasjalkakissa... laalilaalilaa... then someone put music and guys just started to dance in the bus :D (me too o.O) i was having so much fun :) and girls were trying to teach me the lyrics of the Shakira's song "I'm addicted to you" Debe ser parfume que usas, o el agua con la que te bañas.... daadidaadidaa : D 

Then at 1am we arrived! Home sweet home!!

Yo, Lula y Romi

Then these days i've done nothing.. yesterday we cooked with sol (my sis) something form Venezuela.. and it was... hahah nothing to say :D And now i'll go to church