tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012


Hello guys... Now i'm just gonna write something random because I'm bored.. After one hour I'll go to center to drink mate with Lula (meian ois pitany menna puoltoist tuntii sitte, mutta eras sai paremman idean .. eli mennaanki vahan myohemmin umph...aikataulut on iha oma juttunsa taalla, pero te amooo Lulaa <3 ) 

It's kinda interesting see that there is really people who read my blog o.O I mean it says that my blog has been visited almost 3000 times o.O and people from all over the world. Finland (suprise), Argentina, USA, France, Russia, Holland, Germany, UK, Afganistan, taiwan, Israel, South Korea, Arab Emirates, Austria.... I'm famous ^.^ :D 

Meeh... que mas? Heyyy!! I can tell you about the music! La musica...It's different... Cumbia, cuarteto... 

And there is music all the time, everytime when i walk somewhere i hear music from the homes.. cars... phones... So, i'll put a few links for you.

Know the song? :D

And this "Nene malo" ( bad baby)
is really famous here... 

So, do i like this kinda music?? In fact i've no idea... it's just so different (: 

mm.. what else... Less than one month school left!!!! Partypartyypartyy Summer is coming!! Now... temperature is like... something between 20 and 30 grades (celsius) 

Or i have "clases" only 8 days.. because next week i'll make a trip with Coinded (the excange company or whatever) 10 days... And we'll go to the "end of the world" so we'll go to south.. :) I'm suuuper excited to go and see other guys from Finland... Sweden... Germany... New Zeland..and thousand other countries) And when i come back i have one week school and we just have fun there (i guess??) oh, yesterday i had math test at school, it was interesting, and i almost understood what they wanted me to do ...

Now the life is fine here... my Spanish is getting better.. my little sister just arrived from their English lesson (i didn't have school today, don't ask me why) my other sis is preparing mate, dog is crying because the door of the bathroom is closed, because host mom is taking the shower and my brothers are watching the tv. I'm getting bored ¡, because i've no idea, what i should write here. (My English grammar is getting so bad -.- looking for the next year.. English courses and... umh.... especially Swedish courses. I don't remember anything... Hej, jag heter...)jaja

Mitas muuta (meian koira pissas tanaa aamulla mun kannykan paalle <3) So, i've been here almost 4 moths more than one thrid is over. Maybe i expected something more... dunno "Woow" i mean i'm having a good time, but it's still just life :) 

Oh, now you want me to put some pic here. Let's see if i can find some... :)

Me and my city :)

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