maanantai 6. elokuuta 2012

Escuela acá y otra stuff

Hellou people (:

Now I've been In Argentina 3 weeks, i can't believe it, time has gone so fast. If someone told me, that I came yesterday, I'd propably believe it. But anyway I love this country and this village <3

I've been learning lots of Spanish and I feel that everyday I can speak a bit more. I understand pretty much already, I mean if there is conversation between 2 people, I understand most of it and if there is 10 guys shouting at the same time, I usually have a idea what they're shouting about (jalkimmaisia tilanteita on taalla huomattavasti enemman ku noit ensimmaisia) But (almost) everytime when someone asks me something, I can't understand what the person said... So, people in here think that I understand less than what i do and sometimes it's funny when people are talking about me, thinking that i don't understand (: (and i do :P)


My school... I have a school uniform <3 enka inhoo mitaan enempaa, kun siihen kuuluvia sukkahousuja -.- In the school there is about 200 students from age 13-18 in my class there is about 20 students. Ma oon yks luokan vanhimmista, koska taalla menee sillei, et koska oon ysifemma loppuvuodesta meen eriluokalle ku ysivitoset, jotka on syntyny alkuvuodesta. (kerranki nain pain)
  When i started the school I had to choose do i go to the ''art class'' or ''somethingelse class'' I chose the ''somethingelse class'' So, it means that i have about 7 hours in a week subjects called economics, sistema, administrasomethigion eli taloustiedetta, ''kaupallisenkirjanpidonkeinotjuttua'' ja jotain hallintotiedetta...yeah... yes i do have something else as well (: (but after a year i know a lot of interesting vocabulary ) I've physics, Spanish, geography, psycology, math, history, P.E., English and music. I had to schoose 6 of them, which i'll get grades and do exams... so i chose math, psycology, English, music, physics (juu, vapaaehtosesti fysiikkaa o.O) and mandatory for me was Spanish.
  My school days seem pretty much like this:

1. I wake up at 6.10
2. The first lesson starts at 7.00 (=7.15) I leave from home at 6.55 (I once left at 6.48, I was at school 6.56 and I was the first student in whole school)
3. When I go to the classroom everyone in there is sleeping on their desks and the first lesson i'm only trying not to fall a sleep (i've done that as well :P)
4. On breaks i talk with others, walk around the school... explane to my friends that in Finland we have to study at school (noh... riippuu koulusta) and so on...
5. Tunneilla porukka selittaa koko ajan jotain ja raplaa kannykkaa (jota siis ei kai sais ees tuoda kouluun) juttelee opettajan kanssa viime viikonlopusta. Opettaja saattaa tulla halaamaan oppilasta (ei kaikki) ja sanoo, et se rakastaa sita tai toisinpain. Opettaja saattaa tulla syomaan oppilaitten evaita :) Siis erilaista (: Kyl joskus joku  tekee jotain kouluun liittyvaa ja ehka taa on vahan liiotteluu, mut verrattuna suomeen... tosi erilaista. (: But anyway me gusta.
6. At 13.00 (1pm) we go to home and sleep a bit (i couldn't do that in the beginning, but now i have to, because illalla porukka valvoo ain tosi myohaan)
7. Then i see my friends or go to play volley (i have volley 5 days in the week, but i'm not going there every day) and today i'm gonna have my first singing lesson.... the music teacher liked my voice (o.O) and now i'm taking lessons.

Mita oon oppinu koulussa tahan mennessa.

1. Empresa=yritys
2. Sain tanaa rubikin kuutiosta 2 sivuu tehtya, en tiia minka tunnilla
3. Miten nukkua tunnilla.
4. Nayttaa silta, et en ymmarra asioita jota en halua ymmartaa...
5. Miten sanotaan ''umpikannissa'' espanjaks

What else, people here are really nice and everyone helps me (koska oon aika pihalla usein) and guys send ''besos''=kisses me through my friends phones (dunno how you should say that) I don't have a working phone, cause they told me in the shop, that cause my phone is from Finland local sim-card doesn't work.. and now i have to buy a new phone...

That's it this time (:
Chicas (includes 2 Micaelas and 3 Sofias)

En Boliche con Mica

I don't have too much pics now, sorry.. (:

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