maanantai 30. huhtikuuta 2012

Getting ready

There has been so much happening during last ... 3 weeks?? Guess what!!!! 2 and half month left in Finland!!

A bird in Helsinki
Ookay anyway, lets start from the weekend 2 weeks ago. My best friend (who I've known about 14 years) was visiting in Helsinki. We had really good time and we took 100 and one pics. :D Then we were just chilling out in the center of Helsinki...

From our room :)
Then one week ago, I was in ''army''. There was sellane jännä lukiokurssi juttu kaikille Helsingin lukioille johon oli mahis ilmottautuu. There was about 200 high school ''guys'' in the ''army area'' It was so fun :D we had those clothes, that they have to use in the army and we did all those those... ''army things'' kaikkii noit ''aSENTO!!!'' ''LePooo..'' Käännös oikeaan......PÄIN'' jne... :D First morning they woke us up at 6 am whit shouting something like this: ''Lights on!! You have 5 min time to have all your clothes (those army clothes) on and be in the place x'' Now I'm wondering, that how could it take 1 and half hour to get ready for school every morning, if I can do the same in 5 minutes...hmm...? The second night we spent in a tent... The tent was for 15 people... there was 17 of us... :D I guess I slept 2 hours in that night... (next school week was... interesting...) So, we did so much different stuff (shooting for example (it was soooo fun)) (and no one died altough I shooted :D) Anyway, it was one of the nicest weekends, that I've ever had. :)

And finally... this weekend. They had kinda ''preparation weekend'' for us who are going somewhere as a exchange students. There was about 200 of us... and about 100 were going to the USA. It was really nice to meet the others who are going to Argentina, there was 5 of us :D There was also one girl going to Brazil and one to Equador...
  There was hours and hours ''lessons'' when they told us everything about the exchange year and now I'm beginning to realise that I'm really going somewhere... We got a yellow backpack and a t-shirt, which we have to wear when we travel... haha :D

maanantai 9. huhtikuuta 2012

Just life

Helloo... again 

This time I'm just gonna write everything random and it won't propably be that interesting, but do you think I care? :P 

They told me the day when I'm leaving from Finland!!!!! Whiiii <3 13th of July... 3 months and 4 days left... It' so soon!!! I just hope before that there will be spring and summer in Finland... There is still lots of snow in here.. -.-

That's something I wrote to facebook, but anyway I'm gonna put it here too :D

Dear Spring

It has been long time when I last saw you and I have to admit that I miss you. I hope I don't bother you, but I would just like to remind you about a small country in somewhere far north, called Finland. Altough it's middle of nowhere and it seems to be that you try to avoid going there as long as you can, we, Finns, would welcome you to our country. It's already April anyway. Last I would want to do is to complain, but I have to say that I find the long winter a bit ... how to say it.. unpleasant. I had just prepared myself for your arriving, but then, last nigh we got so much more snow, so our beautiful country became white and I'm really looking forward to see it wearing green once again.

So, dear Spring, if you don't mind, could you hurry a bit?
Yours sincerely
This is from last fall... a bit old, sorry..

I'm just wondering where should I send that...

I've now recorded one of my songs... still a few left... I don't know should I put it to youtube or something...  Maybe, if the final version is good enough (: And there is a few songs which I'd want to record, but those are not ready yet.. so... dunno

Umh... this was kinda boring and short and... , but whateveeer :D