sunnuntai 23. syyskuuta 2012

Mi cumple y ... cosas

So now i'm gonna try to write in English.... I'm mixing it with spanish... so good luck.. :D 

So, I don't have time to write a lot because I'll go to church... (i'll tell more about it later) 

Anyway... on Friday was the ''primero dia del primavera'' = the first day of the spring ,so we didn't have school on friday and on thursday we just had a party at school...

the flag of our class ( you can find my name as well :) )

My class... I'm doing a make-up to somebody..

We had to make presentations (one playback and one song... in some reason i sang  with one girl queen's ''we will rock you...'') and the other show was ''lady gaga'' and she was the lady gaga...

Whiii :) (Find me??)

My class, i didn't dance....

Some other class... (this thing took like 3 hours..)

So, on friday was a birthday party of one girl from my class, it started at 11pm and finished about 3am (or other guys went to a boliche after that but we didn't) It was in one salon and people where just dancing there... a bit different than in Finland. And at 12 everybody shouted happy birthday to me because...

...on saturday i turned 17! And that's a first pic  me being 17 :)

We ate with my family empanadas (in the pic) they are like dunno things with something inside of  them this time it was chicken mmm :) (my host mama in the pic)

My familia menos sol :)

Aaand there were cakes... there were 4 cakes for me... wooow

And singing ''happy birthday to yooou'' in spanish :) (those cakes are so pretty)

My sister <3

My otra sister <3

And then some friends came to eat cake and talk and stuff (:

So now I'm 17 :)


sunnuntai 16. syyskuuta 2012


Hello people, this time i'm gonna write in finnish, because my english is getting so bad... -.- (but there is gonna be pics)

Mun uus perhe
En muista et mita kirjotin viimeks, mut mul on ollu toosi hauskaa ja mul on jo nyt parempia kavereita, ku koko aikana aiemmas paikassa. Siella olin aika paljon yksin enka koskaa tajunnu mistaa mitaa ja olin vaha sad, ja aattelin et se on normaalii,  mut sitku tulin tanne nii mul on ollu niin paljon hauskempaa. Selitan koko ajan mun sonkkoespanjalla jotain (ymmarran jo melkee kaiken, mut puhuminen on viel vaha toinen juttu) oon nauranu jo enemman taalla ku koko aikana corral de bustosissa. Tykkaan siitakin paikasta tosi paljon, en vaa jotenki paassy oikeen messiin... 

Viikolla mulla on koulua ain aamulla 7.45-13 tai jotai ja sit iltapaivalla pari kolme tuntii, alkaa joskus neljan viiden aikaa ja loppuu kuuen/seittaman/kaheksan aikaan... party. Ja opiskelen ranskaa espanjaks (naa on opiskellu sita puoltoist vuotta ja ma en yhtaa eli on aika hauskaa)
Sit eilen mentii yhen pojan kotiin (siis meian kaveriporukka on 5-10 tyttoo ja yks jatka :DD) ja siella tehtii tacoja ja otettiin 200 kuvaa (noh, okei vaan 170jotai) ja katottii nyrkkeilymatsi argentiina vastaa meksiko ja argentiina voitti. ja naurettiin :D ja kotii lahettii taksilla joskus kolmen aikaan yolla... ja tanaa heratys ei toki ollu 8.15.. koska mentiin jonkun jannan porukan kaa siivoo jotakin rantaa...?? kerattii vaa roskii ja sit sen jalkee syotiin ja juotiin matea (selitan siita seuraavas postauksessa, sita juodaan taal sillei 10 kertaa  paivassa, semmone wannabe tee) nojoo... ja koht leivon pullaa tai siis korvapullaa mun hostmaman mukaa (korvapuusti+pulla=korvapulla) tein sita viimeviikolla ja naa tykkas hulluna :D 

 Mut siis mulla on ihan super hauskaa taalla, ja tan viikon perjantaina ei oo koulua ja torstaina tehaa jotai hauskaa kavereitten kaa ja perjataina on yhen mun luokkalaisen tytot synttarit ja siihe hommataa isot partyt ja sit lauantaina on mun synttarit eli ohjelmaa piisaa.. :D (i'm gonna be 17!!!! :P)

Noh paatinki papattaa matesta nytte, eli se on siis semmonen teen tapanen juoma. Eka laitetaan semmoseen mukiin ''herbaa'' eli semmost purua ja sit useimmat laittaa sokeria (ei kaikki) (sokerin kaa on parempaa) sit kaadetaan siihe kuumaa vetta (aika vahan koska se kuppi on melkei taynna sita purua) sit sita juodaan pillilla :D porukka istuu yleensa ringissa ja yks tekee matet aina, ja antaa seuraavalle, sit se juo antaa sen takasi samalle tyypille joka laittaa lisaa vetta ja sokeria tai herbaa ja antaa sen seuraavalle. Ja siis joo kaikki juo samalla pillilla (kukaan ei oo kuollu viela). Ja sita siis juodaan koko ajan, aamupalalla, paivalla, aina ku mennaan kaverin kotiin tai kokoonnutaa jonnekki nii aina jollai on termari ja herbat mukana. Siin on sit superisti kofeiinia et oon koko ajan ihan whiii ku juon sita :D Must se on iha hyvaa, paljo vahvempaa ku joku tee mut siis iha jannan makusta. 

Sit muutenki taa hygienia noitte ruokajuttujen kaa on vaha ''mas o menos'' siis tyylii mennaa kaverin synttareille, juot laista jotain. sit vaihat paikkaa... vaihat lasia... ja siis joku menee sun paikalle ja juo sun lasista jne... siis jos naat lasin jossa ei oo mitaan nii siita voi juoda... ei oo niinkaa kasitetta jonkun ''oma00 lasi :D ja ku ostetaa jaateloo nii sata lusikkaa vaa ja kaikki syo siit samasta laatikosta :D aluks oli outoo mut nyt siihe on tottunu

Sit kans tyylii et aina ku tuut paikalle tai lahet paikalta annat kaikille poskipusut... ja ku tapaat uuden ihmisen ja ... siis koko ajan... tyylii tas koulussa, ku aamul meet kouluun nii pussaat koko luokan :D Oottakaa vaa ku tuun suomeen..



yo, cata ja mun sisko sol!

sunnuntai 9. syyskuuta 2012

Cuando todo cambia...

Voy a escribir algo en castellano tambien... pero, primero en ingles :P

Sorry people, i know, i know.. it has been like forever...  and there has been happening a looooots of things

(oh, btw. i don't have pics now, so try to survive :P) 
(and i'm starting to think in spanish, so my english is not too good anymore..)

So, i've been at school weeks... ''studying'' (can you believe guys that i took a math book with me (from finland) and i've been studying it!!!! Ooon jo puoles valissa!!! And ahahah, it was so funny, when in one class of spanish my friends were reading my dicionary and then a teacher came like'' what you're doing'' and then she started to read it and she was jus laughing, then an other teacher came to a class room and they both were just reading that and laughing to my language (like 10 minutes or something!!!) 

So, i told before that i have always at school rubik's cube with me. So, i was able to do just one ''face'' of it or sometimes 2 and i was like the best of the class and everyday all guys were trying to make it... then one monday a guy comes to school with his own rubik's cube and he was able to (dunno how you say it , but kinda) make it completly... and an other day an other guy did the same.. (they studied that from youtube) at least i had some effect to that place :D (now i'm able to do that to... )

But on tuesday everything changed...  When i came from school my host mother told me that i have to change the family, because her mother is really sick and she have to travel a lot, so i should be long time only with my host sis, and it's not fine to STS and Coined... they were trying to find me a family from corral de bustos but they couldn't... So, in the same day a girl from Coined called me and told me that they have a family for me in a city called ''puerto madryn'' in the province of chubut in the shout. And it takes 20 hours to get there with a bus... and i have to go there this friday... 
  So, in the beginning i was  really sad, becaus i had to leave all... friends, school, volley,.... and i loved corral de bustos so much. But then i felt that i really have to go. So, i had less than 3 days time to say goodbye to everybody and yeah... i didn't have time to see everyone.. but altough that 3 days were the most saddest days there, at the same time they were the best 3 days that i had it that village... So, on friday i went to cordoba city and then 20 hours to puerto madryn, and i'd say  that i don't wanna see  a bus for a while after that -.-  (ja siis tolla matkalla opin tekee rubikin kuution)

But yeah, then something about This city. There is about 100 000 people living here. It's next to the sea, so there is beaches and everything, lots of tourists come to here from all over the world to see the whales (today i saw the first ones :) ) and yeah... it's so beautiful this place  there is a video about it

And my family here...I have a host mama, papa, and 5 siblings!! Sister in my age, brother who is one year younger, brother 11 years, and 2 sister who are 9 years and a dog (who loves me :P :DD) And they are all amazing, i like them a lot and i'm so excited to have so many siblings, because in finland i had only one sister living in the same house with me. 

Today met the friends of my sis and they were so nice, we were talking a lot. First we were in the home of someone and then we went to a beach, it was propably the best day in here until this :) 

oh, btw in the corral de bustos i found a really nice church, i got friends and i had so much fun (: i miss them a lot, and i miss one car... ahaha... who understands, understands and who doesn't... doesn't :D gonna talk later about that, but now the battery of the comuter is .... almost dead... so i'm gonna write more later :) cya guys

oh, algo en castellano. Estoy bien :) me gusta mucho puerto madryn y ahora tengo amigos y todo, mi familia aca es maravillosa  y si... me gusta :) chicos de corral de bustos espero, que ustedes van a visitar aca... tambien extraño corral de bustos... en verano voy a visitar alla